PHOTOS: Politics and sport good combination at Beehive

Sport and politics normally don’t mix however last night the BLACKCAPS and the Australian cricket team rubbed shoulders with the country’s law makers at a function at Parliament.

Prime Minister John Key along with Speaker of the House Lockwood Smith and Minister of Sport Murray McCully chatted away to the likes of Daniel Vettori and Ricki Ponting over canapés in the grand setting of the Beehive.

The trans-Tasman rivalry was a topic of discussion amongst the guests in Wellington ahead of this week’s first Test between the two teams at the Basin Reserve starting on Friday. 

BLACKCAPS captain Daniel Vettori (left) and Australian captain Ricky Ponting (second right) with New Zealand Prime Minister John Key and Speaker of the House Lockwood Smith (right).

Australian captain Ricky Ponting, Prime Minister John Key and BLACKCAPS captain Daniel Vettori with some young cricket fans.

New Zealand Prime Minister John Key chats with Australian captain Ricky Ponting.

Prime Minister John Key chats with BLACKCAPS captain Daniel Vettori.

Daniel Vettori presents Prime Minister John Key with a signed BLACKCAPS shirt.

Prime Minister John Key, BLACKCAPS captain Daniel Vettori and the Governor General Hon Sir Anand Satyanand with a framed signed BLACKCAPS shirt.

Group shot at the New Zealand and Australia Parliament Reception.

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